“The Hate U Give”

Published by Balzer+Bray in 2017

You know how when you read and get caught up in a book – it’s almost like you have control? Nothing bad will happen to the character if you stop reading. But as you read, their fate unfolds and turning the page doesn’t change it. That was this book. I couldn’t stop, I had to see justice for Khalil. I had to keep reading for Starr and her bravery and finding her voice.
As it says at the end, this isn’t a fairytale. It’s so different from my own life. I know that this is realistic fiction but too many experience this. They experience racism and hate and nothing changes. It makes me angry too. It’s been over 50 years since MLK and we still haven’t fully realized his dream.
The riots last June was a start but it’s not over yet. I always wonder what can I do but as we’ve talked about it with my children. I know I’m at least making a small start for change. They’re not growing up to hate.
I realize I have white privilege and it’s not fair. This book, while fiction, speaks the truth. This story about Khalil happens all the time. For Trayvon, for Breonna and George Floyd and too many others. It’s a story about injustice. About racism.
It’s a sad story but lots of happy moments too. I loved the family and how they looked out for each other. For teasing each other. They have hopes and dreams and are living too. And living means messy, loud, mistakes. And hugs, and forgiveness.
I know I can’t do this book justice and that’s the point. I encourage everyone to read it and more own voices. One of the amazing things about books is it teaches empathy. We all need more of that I think and I think it will help build bridges of understanding.
And this picture doesn’t even show the depth of this book or it’s characters. Starr loves the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Taco Bell is mentioned a few times. She loves basketball and plays on the school team, she’s seen tragedies and she’s seen true and loyal friends. She’s only 16 years old.
If she and hundreds, thousands and millions of others can be brave and use our voice for change. Imagine what the world will be like!

By Leslie_G

I love books and anything bookish!

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